Why & How to Seal End Grain of Logs with ANCHORSEAL – Life in the Log Yard
One of the most important parts of milling quality lumber from salvaged logs is proper drying. The first step of a good drying process is to seal the end grain of the logs. It is best to seal the logs as soon at the tree is cut down. If unable to seal right away the next best practice is to put a fresh cut on the logs before sealing. By sealing the ends of the logs you slow the drying process down. Most of the drying process happens when water leaves the log from the ends. The water leaves at a faster rate from the log ends then the middle of the log and that difference is what cause the wood to crack or check. The best product to use to seal logs is call Anchorseal. Anchorseal is an end grain sealer specifically made for sealing the ends of logs and lumber. It is a premium wax emulsion end sealer made for the prevention of end checks and drying splits. However you mill your wood it is best to seal the end grain of the logs.